Monday, 9 March 2015

Add OpenCV Python library into pycharm for Windows

 Please download and install this package before installing OpenCV
  1. Numpy
  2. Matplotlib (Optional)
  3. OpenCV
Source : cv2OpenCV ,

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Angular JS


Angular JS is extend the new attributes of HTML and facilitated the developer to create Single Page Application (SPAs). Consist of 3 ng-directives:
  1. ng-app
  2. ng-model
  3. ng-bind

Inform the Angular JS application the "owner".of this <div> element


Binds the input fields to application variable name


Binds the innerHTML of the <p> element to the application variable name  


What is RESTful API?

REST is Representational State Transfer an architecture that establish communication between client and server by using standard interface.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Install Node js on UDOO(Lubuntu OS) board

Install node js on UDOO board

sudo apt-get install git-core python libssl-dev build-essential 
git clone git:// node && cd node 
git checkout v0.10.22 
./configure --without-snapshot make 
sudo make install 

Install serial port library for node js on UDOO board

npm install serialport